It's hard to believe its been 5 months since the last update. There have been many months of very little progress re building as we have navigated our way through the building approval process- many new regulations - revegetations plan, sediment control plan waste water plan - the list goes on. Finally we jumped through the second last hoop and were able to start building out shed. Its construction is now complete and over the next couple of weeks solar panels, wiring , plumbing, septic (including a HOT WATER SYSTEM - ) will happen and we will move into the studio section of the shed. Construction of the house should start next week. Lots of water has passed under the bridge, but living without 240volts, (apart from 2 solar panels to charge USBs) , running water and a toilet has had its challenges. Despite that, we have had the experience of living pretty much completely outdoors for 16 months, and that has really been a. treat in so many ways. Two floods and a few scorcher days during summer were no fun at all, but most of the time we have enjoyed the outdoor life. It has been impossible to live a 'normal' life as such a lot of our time has been spent just living (everything takes longer - drinking water collected in jerry cans from our awesome neighbours, washing water collected from the council pipeline in our 1000 litre container then decanted into our other 2 1000 litre containers , firewood to collect and cut up, human waste to deal with, covering our tools etc with tarps every time it rains are just of few of the time chewer uppers.
But ,we have prevailed and should be in our temporary palatial new digs in about 2weeks. Here are a few pics of our habitations over the last year and a bit.
But ,we have prevailed and should be in our temporary palatial new digs in about 2weeks. Here are a few pics of our habitations over the last year and a bit.